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=== Automatic Link To Wikipedia ===
Contributor: gchiappori
Contributor link:
Tags: wikipedia, autolink, link, icon, term, description, definition, wikipedia
Requires at least: 3.0.0
Tested up to: 4.9.7
Stable tag: 1.0.01
Link automatically all the highlighted words with the syntax [ w:{term}] on the definition from Wikipedia.
Download WordPress ZIP Plugin link-to-wiki (570 download ) (~30k)
== Description ==
Link automatically all the highlighted words with the syntax [ W:*{term}*] on the definition from Wikipedia.
This is an example of use: NASAW << [W:NASA]
Supposing *{term}* is the word for which we want to automatically create the link to the relative Wikipedia definition, it will be enough to use the following syntax: **[W:*{term}*]**
find automatically the localisation code to set the Wikipedia language.
set the localisation code to set the Wikipedia language.
decide if the hypertextual link will be applied to the entire word or just the **W** apex added to the end of the word.
decide to apply our style or use default theme link style.
set background color to highlight links
set background color transparency to highlight links
set your own CSS style.
decide if to add or not the rel=nofollow attribute to each link generated
multilanguage support: Italian, English, French are in the plugin
you can translate in your language using the added file *cf_linktowiki.POT*
== Installation ==
Visit [the plugin page]( for installation steps for the latest release of the plugin.
Download and extract plugin files to a folder locally.
Copy the entire folder *link-to-wiki* to the */wp-content/plugins/* directory.
Enable the plugin through the *WordPress* admin interface.
Optionally configure the plugin from the new **Plugin* > *Link To Wiki* menu item
== Examples of Use ==
To autolink the word **Wikipedia** in your post, write **[W:Wikipedia]**
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
Q: How can I enable the icon link only in a single post?
A: Simply insert the keyword **[ wikiicon:0]** anywhere in the post.Q: How can I display [W:{term}] exactly in this way, without activating the link to Wikipedia?
A: Simply use this sintax: [ W:{term}:0]